Today, Tony Rose is the Publisher and CEO of Amber Communications Group, Inc. (ACGI) the nation’s largest African-American publisher of Self-Help Books and Music Biographies. ACGI’s imprints include: the award winning Amber Books Publishing; Colossus Books – Music Biographies; Retro Books – Old School Music Biographies; Amber/Wiley Books – Self Help and Financial Books Co-Published with John Wiley & Sons Inc. /Turner Publishing, and Amber/Tom Joyner Books – Co-Publishing with the Tom Joyner Foundation..
Amber Communications Group, Inc. is the first African-American Independent Publisher to secure a multi-book, Co-Publishing/Imprint deal with a major book publisher (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), and the first book publisher to have titles licensed by Black Expressions Book Club with thirty-five titles signed to date. In addition, Amber Communications Group, Inc has acquired and licensed paperback rights from: Simon and Schuster, Harper Collins and Hyperion Books for publishing and distribution by ACGI.
He has also successfully negotiated numerous world-wide partnerships, licensing and ebook licensing deals for ACGI in the United States, South Africa, Canada, Europe and Asia, including signing an exclusive eBook international licensing rights deal with K-tel International for seven Colossus Books titles.
In 2001 he responded to the needs of the growing market of self-publishers and founded Quality Press, the nation’s largest “African American Book Packager For Self-Publishers”, in order to accommodate authors who wished to self-publish their books, and placed the Quality Press Self-Publishers Book Division under the direction of Yvonne Rose who is also an Associate Publisher for Amber Communications Group, Inc. and the Director of Quality Press. Over the last fifteen years Quality Press has been responsible for turning many, many thousands of African American writers into Published Authors and Book Publishers.